What is CAUMA?
CAUMA is the Costa Almería Umpires and Markers Association. It is the body responsible for selecting and training Markers and Umpires in the Costa Almería area of Spain. It's duties are also concerned with providing Markers and Umpires for tournaments and competitions under the banner of the FAB Almería as well as increasing the awareness of players at club level of the Laws of the Sport of Bowls.
The Duties of CAUMA Members
Becoming a Registered Marker or Umpire is a step that should be taken only if the applicant is willing and able to support not only their own club but other clubs in the area that may be hosting an FAB affiliated competition and require the services that CAUMA supply. Markers are only a requirement in singles matches whilst Umpires are needed at all FAB level events.
The Pathway
The normal pathway to becoming an Umpire is to first become a Marker. The Marker's course will cover the Marker's Duties according to the Law Book as well as "courtesy" duties which may be required during a singles game. These are termed "courtesy" duties as the players themselves may prefer to carry them out, but, on the other hand, they may call upon the Marker for their execution. Measuring is one such item that the players may ask the Marker to carry out. Most measuring methods will be covered on the course as well as actions to be taken in difficult positions.
Having had some experience in the role of Marker they may decide to apply for the Umpires course. Here the Law Book will be covered in more depth and include more difficult and complex measures. The demand for umpires is much greater than for markers because they are needed at all FAB events. As such anyone progressing to the position of Umpire should be prepared to officiate at these events when asked and available.
Marker's and Umpire's Courses are held from time to time - look to your club notice board or ask a Marker or Umpire when you see one in the distinctive green shirt at events around the area. Or you could send an email to caumafab@gmail.com with any questions you may have.